CALL - US : +91-9438163523 / +91-9583034407
“Mukti Rural Socio Economic Development Organisation”(Mukti) is a Non-Government and Non-Profit
Organisation established in the year 1996 to work among the Physical, Mental, and Spiritual needs of
Individuals and Communities disadvantaged by Poverty, Illiteracy and Social Stigma. It is purely a non-
political and non-religious organization. It works impartially among all its stake holders.
The Organisation is registered under Societies Registration Act 1860, has been accorded renewal under
Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010. It has also been registered under Section 12A and obtained
approval under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act. The Organisation has also been registered for
undertaking CSR Activities from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. It has been registered with the NIIT
Aayog too.